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  • Spencer Sherwood
    March 4, 2022 9:59 pm

    Hi Alexander,

    We only knew each other for a very brief moment, but I feel that I know you through your father. Your dad has shared stories and told me about the type of person you were, and for that I am grateful. Your art and work is awesome, and I think we would have got along quite well being creatively minded. You have certainly inspired me to up my creativity with your dope art. I know that you were and are very loved, and I hope you can rest peacefully knowing you brought joy and love to the world through your art and by being the person you were.

    Also, your family is beautiful. I’m so glad to know the Tsvetanovs even if it’s just a little bit.

  • hey alex,
    its’s been 3 years. i miss you very much every year. you’ll forever be my dear friend and i’ll forever cherish the friendship we had as well as all the love uve given me and taught me. i’ll forever love you and i hope uve been great and that u’re looking after me.
    i miss you and forever will love you.


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