Celebrating Alex’s life

Dearest beloved Alex, this is to celebrate you and your life. We miss you terribly, but we know you are forever with us in our hearts.
We love you dearly, Mom, Dad, Jasi, Dany


Dear Visitor,

People we love never really pass away as long as they stay on our minds and in our hearts. That is why we created this webpage to celebrate Alexander’s life and share the memory about his bright and vivid Self with the world. We invite you to spend a few quiet moments browsing through the webpage, tuning in into Alex’s life. For although his life was cut tragically short, Alex left a distinct and unforgettable mark on this world, forever blazing with eagerness, passion, aspiration, courage and pure Love. And as you will experience for yourself, Alex’s loving essence is forever sparkling in every piece of art, photography, writing, video or audio recording shared on this webpage. While we know that the content you will find here could barely contain Alex’s rich life and personality to its full depth and extend, we hope it will help to keep the memory of our beloved son forever bright and vivid.

Alex left behind a vast archive of his works and especially photography, videos and journal notes. We intend to continue adding some of his works here on this webpage and if you wish to hear from us with updates, please subscribe below.

And if you feel so, feel free to leave a message to Alex in “Leave Alex a message” section. For we are completely assured there are good Angels passing over our messages to those we love that are no longer present in this world. And we also believe, that should we listen really attentively, our messages are often being answered to.

With love and warmth,

The Tsvetanov Family


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